THE GOLDEN BUTTERFLY was created by SYCOPHANTISM and ADMIN NAME. The skin, including the board template and mini-profile, was made by DOROTHIA of Adoxography, Board List and Conversation Page remodel all made my Kagney of Adoxography and Stinky666's Slimline Info Center was used as well. Pictures were taken off of google and Codes were taken from PB Support and other ressoure websites. If we forgot to mention you in the credits please PM an Admin.
2. Be polite to everyone and respect your fellow members and the mod team.
3. Please don't post in private roleplays that are not yours.
4. Please do not spam any roleplays with massive amounts of OOC.
5. No spamming or advertising in roleplays.
6. No god modding or meta-gaming.
7. No power-plays.
8. If your character breaks any laws within the game, you will not get in trouble; however, keep in mind that if your character is caught, they might be.
9. Make sure you know the difference between in-game and real-life; if your character is insulted, that doesn't mean the other player is insulting you.
10. Any special events or predators may only be roleplayed by a mod, or by a player with a mod's permission. (See the Predator Library for details.)
11. Secondary Shadow-Tribers are able to communicate with the dead. Roleplayers of Secondary Shadow-Tribers are able to roleplay their Shadow Triber communicating with a dead cat of an ex-member. This is the only instance that roleplayers are allowed to roleplay with non-members. The guidelines for the character are that: they must have been canon; they cannot have been an NPC; and the player cannot have been kicked from the group.